school of Gymnastics

Anyone can join our club, here's how to....
The first 2 sessions are on a
Pay-as-you-go basis, so a trial can be done without any monthly commitment.
Check the website for which classes are available to suit your requirements and the age of your child.
Our classes are planned initially for the age of the children, so it is very important that the children attend a class that is specifically designed for their age. This is to ensure that they enjoy their gymnastics experience.
Email us
We will let you know which classes have space available and we will book you on.
We will also send you information about our classes and how they work.
e-mail: hartfordgymnastics@yahoo.com
*All of our places in gym sessions must be pre-booked 48 hours in advance
via weekly email for trial sessions and monthly block booking following the trial sessions.
Your First Visit
Arrive at the gym 5 minutes prior to the class.
We will meet you outside the gym to book your child in.
A member of the coaching team will give you a Club Membership form to fill in before the session.
Your child will be asked to wash their hands then join the session with a Warm up on the main floor area.
To ensure the wellbeing of our club members, we are still operating with a number of Covid measures in place.
Family members are requested not to stay in the gym to watch sessions currently, however we feel that it is important for our new gymnasts and their families to feel comfortable on their first visit, so we would like a parent/guardian to come in to see our club, even if you don't stay for the whole session.
*Please wear a face covering and maintain social distancing whilst in our Reception area.
*For future classes, family members will be asked to drop their child off and collect them after the session.
A gym coach will bring your child out of the gym at the end of the session for you to collect them, please maintain social distancing whilst waiting for your child. Children aren't permitted to walk to cars without an adult accompanying them.
What to Wear:
Outside clothing and shoes must be worn to and from the gym.
Leotards for recreational gymnastics are not compulsory. Suitable clothing would be....
Shorts/joggers/leggings and a t-shirt.
Bare feet in the gym and a warm hood-less top for warm up.
Hair which falls into the eyes when leaning forward and is below the shoulder must be tied & clipped up.
Jewellery must not be worn. Earings should be removed or if recently pierced, covered with tape BEFORE arriving at the
British Gymnastics Membership:
In keeping in line with British Gymnastics policies, ALL children & adults who take part in a Gymnastics/Pre-school class at our gym, must have up to date BG membership. This should be renewed yearly or new members can register at any point throughout the year.
New membership
Before your 3rd visit, log onto www.British-Gymnastics.org and click onto the Membership Make or Re-new link.
Please note: Your child can only continue attending gymnastics classes if they have current BG Membership .
More details of BG membership can be found on the British Gymnastics Membership page of our website.
Click on the British Gymnastics button below to be taken to the BG website.