school of Gymnastics

British Gymnastics Membership

In keeping in line with British Gymnastics policies, ALL children & adults who take part in a gymnastics or Pre-school class at our gym, must be a current member of British Gymnastics (BG).
New members should pay their membership before their 3rd visit to a gym class.
The new BG membership system requires renewal every 12 months.
New members can register at any point during the year.
As a club, we don't add on any additional club fees to the membership.
How to become a member of BG...
NEW MEMBERS - please go to the British Gymnastics Website british-gymnastics.org by clicking on the button on the left, and follow the link for New Membership
EXISTING MEMBERS – memberships should be re-newed every 12 months. BG will email you when your membership is about to expire. We will also send a reminder if your child doesn't have membership.
Reply to the BG membership email or click onto the link on the British Gymnastics home page... Renew your membership.
1 years Membership costs are as follows:
Recreational classes
Membership required = COMMUNITY GYMNAST
Pre-school classes
Membership required = COMMUNITY GYMNAST
Development Squads & Display
Membership required = COMMUNITY GYMNAST
(If your child is competing club level competitions, they will only require this level of membership unless you are asked to change by one of our Senior coaching team)
Gymnasts will receive a membership card and further information from BG in approximately 4 weeks from payment. We will be notified once your membership has been paid.
If you have any questions regarding the British Gymnastics Membership fee, please speak to a senior member of our Coaching Team or contact BG direct on 0845 1297129